My project that I have been working on is over a seed treatment called Warden CX ll. I have a few soybean fields around the area that we have treated with the Warden CX ll. The fields are usually split with half treated and half treated with a different treatment. After only looking at all the fields at least once, there isn’t a significant difference above ground, but when dug up and compared, there is a visible difference. The beans treated with the Warden CX ll have a bigger root system as well as a bigger tap root. The other beans treated with a different product however have a little bit of a smaller root system and not as big of tap root on the plant. After looking at my testing fields at least once, I have good evidence to say that the Warden CX ll is working on the soybeans in the earlier stages of their growth. I’m very happy with the results that I have found and can’t wait to go back out there to check the beans growth again soon.