PCE Empowering Foundation
Making a positive impact in our community & investing in the future

We strive to uplift individuals and communities by providing resources, support, and opportunities for personal growth and development. It is a blessing to be able to invest in others, be a helping hand in need, and make a positive difference in our communities we serve.
We are making a difference together. Every dollar contributed brings us closer to achieving our shared vision of investing in others to help them with educational or financial assistance. Your support is not just a donation, it is an investment in the well-being of others. How can you help? You can make a tax-deductible donation, become a monthly donor, or share the news about your ag cooperative paying-it-forward with a foundation. Your partnership goes beyond a monetary contribution, it is an investment in the lives of others.
We believe that positive change is a collective effort. We look forward to the possibility of continuing this journey together. Thank you for being the cornerstone of our mission.
The Foundation will empower others with:
Trade Scholarships
Service Leadership Scholarships
Ag Leadership Scholarships
Local Food Pantries
Individuals in Need
Community Donations

501 (c) 3
Donors can claim a deduction on their Federal income tax return and have peice of mind that their donation is making a difference.
The PCE Foundation is a 501 (C) 3 | EIN 92-2529600 | Donations are Tax Deductable
Donations can be sent mailed to: 4306 W Galena Rd. | Lena, Illinois | 815.809.2667